Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google Chrome Browser Download Links Out on Tuesday

Google Chrome Download Link Not Yet out


<Download Link HERE>


Will update ya when I

Who's Blogging About This Article

Michael Masnick | TechDirt

1 hours ago

Google's Browser Is A Warning Shot At Windows, Not At Internet Explorer

About four years ago there were all sorts of rumors that Google was getting ready to enter the browser wars with its own offering, most likely built on Mozilla's code ... After some leaks of a comic book (a comic book?

David Rothman | TeleRead

2 hours ago

E-book apps coming to new Google browser? Beta's due today as free download

Come on, Google. You can do it--the ePub e-book standard, I mean. Google has just launched a new browser, which could, as seen by the Wall Street Journal, be an operating system in disguise. That suggests lots of potential beyond mere Web browsing ... Related: Info on the comic book promoting Chrome, plus our earlier item, ePub widget for Opera: Browsers to do e-books in a big way?



17 hours ago

Google to Launch Webkit Based Web Browser Called 'Chrome'

Google announced today that they would be releasing a new open source web browser called Google Chrome. The new browser will be available for download as a beta starting tomorrow. Google states that the reason for a new web br.. ... published at AllThingsD.com.

Paul Boutin | Valleywag

18 hours ago

Google launches browser, comic strip [Google Chrome]

You can't download the new Google Chrome browser yet. But you can read about it in this comic strip by Scott McCloud, author of the nerd classic Understanding Comics.

Rafat Ali | PaidContent

19 hours ago

Google To Launch New Web Browser Chrome; Open Source

Google (NSDQ: GOOG) is going after the fundamental underpinning of how users access the Internet: it is going to launch a new web browser called Chrome, according to various reports (first reported here). It may come as soon as tomorrow, reports ATD ... The full comic book explaining the features is posted here.

Eric Eldon | VentureBeat

20 hours ago

Chrome: Google's souped-up, forthcoming web browser

Google is working a new web browser, called Chrome. The software may be available for download as early as tomorrow. In the meantime, Google has mailed a comic book about the browser to Google Blogoscoped.

Who's Blogging about this Topic


57 minutes ago

Google Chrome Browser Joins Microsoft IE, Mozilla Firefox, Opera

Google will launch Chrome in beta on Windows Tuesday, challenging Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera in the Web browser market.


Stefan Tilkov's Random Stuff

1 hours ago

Google Chrome Comic

I find this intro to Google's browser insanely cool — even if the actual browser didn't have cool features (which it haswill have), this kind of presentation is just great.

Andrew | Domain Name Wire

1 hours ago

Google Chrome Domain Names

Google remained tight-lipped about its new browser. So who registered GoogleChrome.com a month ago? By now you've probably read that Google is releasing a web browser called Google Chrome.

Tom Spring | Today @ PC World

1 hours ago

Official Google Chrome Screenshots

For those eager to download the beta version of Google's Chrome Web browser the best they can do for now is ponder the official screenshots of the browser. The availability of the beta Google Chrome browser is expected later...


2 hours ago

Introducing: Google Chrome

Tomorrow, Google will be launching the beta version of Google Chrome in more than 100 countries. Chrome is it's new browser and while it may seem like it's aimed at Internet Explorer or Firefox, Google is really targeting Windows.

Cory Bergman | Lost Remote

2 hours ago

Google debuts its own browser

Google is preparing to launch an open-source internet browser, dubbed Chrome, to compete with IE, Firefox and Safari.


Ministry | The Ministry Blog

2 hours ago

Chrome: first thoughts

'Chrome', the forthcoming web browser from Google, technical details of which were 'accidentally' leaked as a comic strip, looks very impressive, but I don't see myself becoming an early-adopter....

Amit Chowdhry | Pulse 2.0

2 hours ago

Google Chrome: The Open Source Web Browser

Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) has joined in the web browser wars to compete against several other players such as Mozilla, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), and Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT). The new browser is called Chrome and it is open source.

Paul McNamara | NetworkWorld Blogs

2 hours ago

Google explains 'Chrome' browser gambit

I have just finished reading Google's "comic book" explanation of the thinking and technology that went into the company's new Web browser, called Chrome. If you're interested in the high-level details, it's well worth a look.

Dwight Silverman | TechBlog

3 hours ago

Linkpost 9.2.2008

• A fresh take on the browser -- Google says it will launch its new Chrome browser today. Also Google Chrome Screenshots and Mozilla Not Worried About Google Browser • ...

Mike Butcher | TechCrunch UK

3 hours ago

What will Chrome mean for us?

Obviously the media is full of news about Google's Chrome browser today. But do you think it will have an impact in the UK/European market? Will users take up the Chrome browser to the point where it will impact the mainstream?

Brett Winterford | Webware

3 hours ago

Mozilla CEO: Chrome was inevitable

Mozilla CEO John Lilly on Tuesday waxed philosophical about the release of Google's new Web browser, Chrome, despite it signaling an attempt by the search giant--and Mozilla's major financier--to become its biggest competitor.

Yinka Adegoke | Reuters

3 hours ago

Getting ready for Google Explorer aka Chrome

Google is getting into the browser business with the launch of Google Chrome, a browser designed for today's Internet user with better capabilities for video and other complex Web programs.



3 hours ago

Google Browser Available Today - Google fires fresh shot in browser wars...

According to a post on the Google Blog, the search giant is expected to unveil a beta version of a new Google web browser today.

Google Subnet | NetworkWorld Blogs

3 hours ago

Google hedges its bets with new browser

Fast on the heels of its announcement that Gears works with Apple's Safari browser and the launch of Microsoft's IE 8 with its new privacy feature, Google offered Chrome, its open-source entrant into the crowded browser marketplace.

Kevin C. Tofel | jkOnTheRun

4 hours ago

Three reasons Google Chrome could be the netbook browser of choice

I finally got a chance to read through the great comic book explanation of Chrome, the new browser from Google. The beta browser is scheduled to hit today for Windows devices, although the team is working on a version for Mac and Linux users as well.

Barry Schwartz | Search Engine Roundtable

4 hours ago

Can Google Win The Browser Wars With Google Chrome?

I am sure many, if not all, of you have heard the news about Google Chrome, Google's open source web browser that is launching today. Techmeme is plastered with blog posts on the topic, it is seriously amazing! In any...

scotty | iChat, Jabber and Tiger

4 hours ago

Welcome Chrome, the Google Operating System

Top news item at TechMeme today -- Google has revealed its own browser -- Google Chrome, via a comic adoption by the artist Scott McCloud (ain't that presentation brilliant!)

GuyClapperton | DaniWeb IT Discussion Community

4 hours ago

Chrome, Chrome on the Range

Google's new venture will go public as most of you are reading this (assuming 'most of you' means our American readers, who I assume are a substantial majority). Google is going to release a browser.

Paul Douglas | Tech.co.uk

5 hours ago

In Depth: 20 things you need to know about Google Chrome

Google took the unusual step of announcing its new browser via an online comic. We've had a read through and pulled out the things you need to know about Google's new browser. 1.

James Kendrick | jkOnTheRun

5 hours ago

Google Chrome is coming- how well will it run on netbooks?

Google caught us all by surprise with the leaked comic book detailing their new browser Chrome. The new browser is made from the ground up around how we consume the web using multiple tabs.

Larry Dignan | Internet Stocks on Seeking Alpha

6 hours ago

Why Is Google Entering the Browser Market?

Google (GOOG) will launch a Web browser called Chrome that will take on Microsoft's (MSFT) Internet Explorer and apparently Mozilla's Firefox, which the search giant essentially funds.

Peter Gothard | Tech.co.uk

6 hours ago

Google Chrome comic artist - who is he?

By now, you'll have read the comic that appeared late yesterday announcing Google Chrome, but who wrote it, and what's he all about?

Peter Cohan | BloggingStocks

6 hours ago

Is Google's browser a threat to Microsoft?

The New York Times reports that Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) will introduce its own browser -- named Chrome -- but will it cost Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) any revenues? Since Microsoft gives away its browser, the answer is no.

Dan Grabham | Tech.co.uk

6 hours ago

The Google Chrome masterplan: it's not about the browser

Today, Google will launch Chrome, just days before the search giant's 10th birthday. The buzz overnight has been that it's just an internet browser. But that's surely not the case.

Kelly Hodgkins | The Boy Genius Report

6 hours ago

Google goes to war armed with a new web browser, Google Chrome

After single-handedly winning the online search wars, Google appears to be poised to now enter the browser wars. A comic book fashioned document has appeared online at the unofficial Google Blog, Blogoscoped.

Marc Chacksfield | Tech.co.uk

7 hours ago

Google Chrome: first screenshot

Google surprised everyone late last night by announcing it is to enter the web browsing market with Google Chrome.

Murk | Murky.org

9 hours ago

Google Chrome

Today, Google release a beta of their new browser software, Chrome. Like Mozilla Firefox, it will be Open Source. This comic strip explains the concepts behind it. The ideas look good, very solid.

Paul Boutin | Valleywag

10 hours ago

Google's browser comic kind of sucks [Google Chrome]

Cartoonist Scott McCloud's 1993 graphic non-fiction book, Understanding Comics, was a breakthrough piece of work.


Robin | Snarkmarket

10 hours ago

Understanding Googlechromazon

Can't decide what's cooler -- Google Chrome or the fact that they had Scott MccCloud make an explainer comic book for it. Yeah, probably the comic book.

tiger86 | DaniWeb IT Discussion Community

11 hours ago

Google Reveals 'Chrome' The First Open Source Google Web Browser.

Google just announced their project that has just been rumors up till now. Google has created a Open Source Browser called Chrome and wanted to tell the whole world about it through a comic book designed by Scott Cloud.

Electronista | Gadgets for Geeks

11 hours ago

Open-source Google Chrome browser based on Webkit

Google this weekend accidently leaked details -- via an online comic book -- on its upcoming cross-platform open-source browser: Google Chrome -- which it claims will deliver a streamlined and improved interface along with performance improvements an...

MacNN | The Macintosh News Network

11 hours ago

Open-source Google Chrome browser based on Webkit

Google this weekend accidently leaked details -- via an online comic book -- on its upcoming cross-platform open-source browser: Google Chrome -- which it claims will deliver a streamlined and improved interface along with performance improvements and sec...

Lee Odden | Online Marketing Blog

11 hours ago

Shiny New Google Chrome

There's already a ton of buzz on this but it's potentially a big change for the web as John Battelle called it, "This Is Web OS, Make No Mistake".


Andy J. S. | PalmAddicts

11 hours ago

A quick peek at Google's Chrome

You're as surprised as I am, when we heard that Google is entering the tough web browser war with its own; and Google's new web browser is going to be called Chrome!

Michael Arrington | Seeking Alpha

11 hours ago

Meet Chrome - Google's Windows Killer

Make no mistake. The cute comic book and the touchy-feely talk about user experience is little more than a coat of paint on top of a monumental hatred of Microsoft (MSFT).

Duncan Riley | inquisitr.com

12 hours ago

Google Chrome Search: anti-competitive lock-in or inspired thinking?

As screen shots start to surface of Google's Chrome browser prior to Tuesday's official launch, one thing is very clear: Google Chrome doesn't have a dedicated search box.

GNU/Linux And Open Source Medical Software News

14 hours ago

Google To Launch New Open Source Web Browser 'Chrome' Tomorrow

Google's got it's own browser now : Google Chrome. It's more than just an open source browser, it's more of an application framework.


Michael Santo | Alice Hill's Real Tech News - Independent Tech

14 hours ago

Google's Chrome Re-Ignites the Browser War

By Michael Santo Editor-in-Chief, RealTechNews After an odd leak in which a comic penned by none other than Scott McCloud, writer of the classic Understanding Comics, was accidentally emailed, revealing the technology...

Tony Hung | Deep Jive Interests

14 hours ago

Google's Chrome Could Be Crap — And It Would Still Gain Market Share

Lots of interesting news about Google's new browser, Chrome, and lots more interesting questions around it.


Dave Methvin | InformationWeek Weblog

14 hours ago

Google Chrome Answers the GreenBorder Mystery

Google's new browser, named Chrome, seems to have taken off a bit earlier than Google anticipated. As far as I know, it's also the first browser launched by a comic book announcement.

Harry McCracken | Technologizer

14 hours ago

Google Chrome: Hey, That Logo Looks Vaguely Familiar

Google has posted an official online version of the Scott McCloud comic book introducing Chrome, its new browser, and the cover sports the Chrome logo.

Eric Lander, Associate Editor | Search Engine Journal

15 hours ago

Google's Chrome Browser: What You Need to Know

The Beta Download: Available September 2, 2008 Google's Chrome Browser is not only real, it's almost available to users for download. According to the Google Blog Chrome will become available for download tomorrow morning in more than 100 countries.

John Battelle | John Battelle's Searchblog

16 hours ago

Chrome: This Is Web OS, Make No Mistake

Why launch Chrome (Google's new "browser") when Firefox, Google's favored son, is doing so well? Because Google needs its own.

Paul Boutin | Valleywag

16 hours ago

First browser screenshots from Google [Google Chrome]

They've yanked the video, so for now you'll have to settle for this screenshot of Google's new Chrome browser. No Mac version yet, hmph.

Sam Dean | OStatic

16 hours ago

Google Serves Up an Open Source Browser: Chrome

Google has officially confirmed, following rumblings in the blogoshpere, that it has developed an open source browser called Chrome.

Christina Warren | Download Squad

16 hours ago

Download Squad goes Chrome-crazy

As Brad reported earlier today, Google is launching the first beta of its Webkit-based browser, Google Chrome, tomorrow!Details of Google Chrome were originally leaked by the Google Blogoscope blog...

daniel | Geek Rant dot org

17 hours ago

Google Chrome coming soon

Google launches its own web browser, Chrome, sometime today. Beta for Windows initially. Sounds good though. Google blog announcement. Amusing comic explaining what it is. (thanks for the prompt, Tony) Separate tabs in separate processes?


Michael Arrington | TechCrunch

17 hours ago

Meet Chrome, Google's Windows Killer

Make no mistake. The cute comic book and the touchy-feely talk about user experience is little more than a coat of paint on top of a monumental hatred of Microsoft.

John Furrier | John Furrier

17 hours ago

Google Chrome Comic Strip

Talk about comic relief on a nice long Labor Day weekend - Google's marketing team didn't factor in that overseas delivery would screw up their product launch. Here is the Google comic that talks about the Google browser - Chrome.


Charles Johnson | Little Green Footballs

18 hours ago

The Google Chrome Comic Book

Google is working on a web browser with a greatly enhanced Javascript engine and other cutting edge features, and they've posted a comic book to explain its coolness to the masses: Google on Google Chrome.


Michael Winter | On Deadline

18 hours ago

Google joins browser war — 'Chrome' coming Tuesday

Take that, Microsoft. Google is muscling in on Internet Explorer. Tomorrow, Goolge will release its first browser, called Chrome. The search giant announced today that it would be offering a beta version in Windows.

Arnold Zafra | Search Engine Journal

18 hours ago

Google Makes the Google Chrome Web Browser Official

It didn't take Google to make the rumored web browser, Google Chrome official.


18 hours ago

The Google Browser Is Real And On The Way

Now here's a great way to introduce a new software project - to illustrate it as a comic book! Scott McCloud illustrates for the world Google Chrome - Google's browser project. More details at Google Blogoscoped and Dare Obasano's.

DG | D' Technology Weblog

18 hours ago

Google Chrome - An open source Google Browser

Google announced of launching beta version of their browser called Google Chrome in more than 100 countries for Windows to start.

James Kendrick | jkOnTheRun

18 hours ago

Google's web browser Chrome- browser as OS?

Word is spreading that Google is readying a web browser based on the Webkit, the juice behind Apple's Safari browser. A comic book detailing Chrome has appeared which is an ingenious method for Google to spread the word about Chrome.

Eideard | Dvorak Uncensored

18 hours ago

Google comic book debuts Chrome browser

Oh, frumious bandersnatch, oh, joy!


zabuni | MetaFilter

18 hours ago

Google Chrome

Google, faced with concerns over Microsoft using it's browser marketshare to marginalize the search engine, have decided to take the fight directly to them.

Gary Price | ResourceShelf

19 hours ago

Getting Ready for Google Chrome (aka the Google Web Browser)

Yes, Google will soon (very soon) have its own web browser.

Dan Farber, Larry Dignan and David Berlind | Between the Lines

19 hours ago

Google to launch browser to battle IE; Is Firefox a target or tag-team partner?

Updated: Google will launch a Web browser called Chrome that will take on Microsoft's Internet Explorer and apparently Mozilla's Firefox, which the search giant essentially funds.

Marc Chacksfield | Tech.co.uk

19 hours ago

Google unveils Chrome: its own web browser

In what must be the strangest way to unleash a potential product on to a marketplace, Google has let slip about its plans to create its own web browser in the form of a comic book.

Peter | Peter Van Dijck's Guide to Ease

19 hours ago

Google Chrome comic book all on one page

I was reading a scanned version of the comic book (see and link to this blog post) that is introducing the Google browser - "Google Chrome" - but the site's way slow and seems down now...


Robert Scoble | Scobleizer

19 hours ago

Google still has a sense of humor

Not only did Google announce Chrome (its new browser that's making a splash all over TechMeme) with a comic book but there's a bit more funny history as well. Several years ago Microsoft had a project code-named Chrome.

Danny Sullivan | Search Engine Land

19 hours ago

Google Chrome - Google's Finally Launching Its Own Browser

So much for a quiet Labor Day off. Google Blogoscoped has news of Google Chrome, a new browser that Google plans to release. More coverage can also be found on Techmeme. No -- it's not just a rumor.


Per and Susanne Koch | Pandia Search Engine News

19 hours ago

The Google Chrome Browser

Google presents its new browser in comic book form. Google's way of not announcing new innovations is well known. The company must have one of the smallest advertising budgets among the large American companies.

Robert Ambrogi | Robert Ambrogi's LawSites

19 hours ago

Google Readies its Own Browser

Search giant Google is about to declare war on Internet Explorer and Firefox with the release of its own open-source browser, called Chrome. A beta version will be available tomorrow morning.


Om Malik | GigaOM

19 hours ago

Google Browser Is Real. Another Win For Webkit

Kara Swisher has confirmed the existence of Google Chrome, a browser developed by the Mountain View, Calif.-based search company.

John Paczkowski | Digital Daily

19 hours ago

Google Chrome: CliffsNotes on the Comic

Though its unconventional announcement in the guise of a comic book might seem to suggest otherwise, Google's Web browser project Chrome proves the company is taking the browser war seriously.

Venture Beat | Industry Standard

20 hours ago

Chrome: Google's souped-up, forthcoming web browser

Google is working a new web browser, called Chrome. The software may be available for download as early as tomorrow. In the meantime, Google has mailed a comic book about the browser to Google Blogoscoped.

Harry McCracken | Technologizer

20 hours ago

Google Chrome Comic: The Readers' Digest Version

I may have a lot of questions about Chrome, Google's browser, but this I know already: Hiring the wonderful cartoonist Scott McCloud to draw a comic book explaining it all was an inspired idea.

Brian Lam | Gizmodo

20 hours ago

Chrome: Google's Open Source Browser [Browser]

Kara at All Things D and Phil at Google Blogoscoped predict a Google Browser soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow, that is open sourced, with an intelligent "omni" search/address bar, a multithreaded javascript engine called v8...


Steven Hodson | Mashable!

20 hours ago

Google Chrome: The "GBrowser" Comes to Life

So the tech blogosphere is all a buzz about Google's now outed Web browser that goes by the name of Chrome. The thing that I find absolutely hilarious about the whole thing is the fact that they used a comic book to announce it. C'mon, a comic book?

Editor | Hollywood Newsroom

21 hours ago

Google Chrome, the Google Browser

"Google announced their very own browser project called Google Chrome — an announcement in the form of a comic book drawn by Scott McCloud, no less.

Rafe Needleman | Webware

21 hours ago

Google 'starting from scratch' with its own browser, Chrome

This story is under development and may be updated. Links and illustrations will be added shortly. Today, word surfaced on Google Blogoscoped about a Web "comic book" that introduces Google Chrome, the search giant's open-source browser project.

JR Raphael | inquisitr.com

21 hours ago

Inside Google's Open Source Browser

We're gaining some new insight into Google's browser project from an unlikely source: a comic book. The folks over at Google Blogoscoped say they received the book in the mail from Google.


John Gushue | John Gushue . . . Dot Dot Dot

21 hours ago

Google, with a chrome finish

Above is a panel from a comic strip, of all things, that has been making the rounds today, announcing Google Chrome (you'll get nothing, for now, when you click on it)...

David Recordon's Blog

21 hours ago

A Comic Book

evan is in about Google Chrome...



21 hours ago

Google announces browser via comic book

Google announced Monday, via a 38-page comic book drawn by Scott McCloud, its new open-source browser project, Chrome.

Alex Lewis | NetworkWorld Blogs

22 hours ago

Will Google Chrome Outshine IE8

John Furrier was way out in front of the Google Chrome story. What's Chrome you ask? Google will announce tomorrow they are coming out with a new browser called "Chrome". The feature list looks a lot like IE7 and IE8 with a sprinkling of Firefox.

Eric Lander, Associate Editor | Search Engine Journal

22 hours ago

Google Chrome, Google's Web Browser: Is it Real?

Earlier today I came across an article on Google Blogoscoped written by Philipp Lenssen called Google Chrome, Google's Browser Project. Lenssen cites a series of comic book like illustrations he received in the mail that was drawn up by Scott McCloud.

ScuttleMonkey | Slashdot

23 hours ago

Google Chrome, the Google Browser

Philipp Lenssen writes "Google announced their very own browser project called Google Chrome an announcement in the form of a comic book drawn by Scott McCloud, no less.


Marshall Kirkpatrick | Read/Write Web

23 hours ago

Google to Offer its Own Browser: Chrome

Google watchdog Phillip Lessen has " scanned and posted a printed comic he says he received in the mail from Google today describing the company's forthcoming open source browser Chrome The link is currently a 404.

Mike Gunderloy | Web Worker Daily

1 day ago

Google Chrome is Coming

There have been persistent - and reasonably credible - rumors that Google was going to release its own browser.

Google Blogoscoped | NetworkWorld Blogs

1 day ago

Google Chrome, Google's Browser Project

Today there was a comic book in my mail, sent by Google and drawn by no less than Scott McCloud, creator of the classic Understanding Comics.

Philipp Lenssen | Google Blogoscoped

1 day ago

Google Chrome, Google's Browser Project

Google gives the technical details into a project of theirs: an open source browser called Google Chrome ... digg this?
Full Coverage »

Ionut Alex Chitu | Google Operating System

1 day ago

Google OS Is Actually a Browser: Google Chrome

Google Blogoscoped posts an interesting comic book created by Scott McCloud that illustrates the features of Google Chrome, an open source browser based on WebKit.

Andru Edwards | Gear Live

1 day ago

Google to Launch Chrome Browser

Google announced today that it is launching its new beta browser, named Chrome. Available in more than 100 countries supposedly tomorrow, so far it is only for those with Microsoft Windows.

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